From a hairstylist to a factory part-time housewife, now enrolled! Income quadrupled, working hours reduced to one-third!

Kana Suzuki


As a former hairstylist, I wanted to work in the beauty industry, but since I was raising three sisters, I had to compromise and choose to be a factory part-time housewife, prioritizing my children. At my part-time job, I was told, “When your children grow up, please work for us full-time!” This made me pause and reflect: ‘Will I continue doing this job? What about working in the beauty industry? What do I really want to do? Is this truly the life I want?’ During this self-questioning, I encountered the AGO method and tried out the treatment. It was amazing! The concerns I had after giving birth were resolved. My face became slimmer, and my menstrual cramps disappeared; I was deeply moved and wanted to learn this method. I wanted to help others struggling with the same issues as me. Moreover, I could work in a way that prioritized my children while doing what I love! This was exactly what I was seeking, so I decided to enroll.

After enrolling, they meticulously taught me not just techniques but also management, mindset, and ways of thinking. It’s thanks to this school that someone like me, a part-time housewife with no business knowledge, could start my own practice. My income quadrupled compared to when I was a part-time housewife, but my working hours were reduced to about one-third. I gained personal time and peace of mind. My work became more enjoyable than ever, and I’m living an exciting life every day!