School Features FEATURE


Your life has no limits.
Let's go together into the bright future.

Looking at the students of the school, as well as my mother, sister, and wife, I am keenly aware every day that women in the world are really working hard. Women work, do housework, and give birth. I believe that men are no match for them at all. However, there are many women who, if they fall ill for even the slightest reason, are unable to perform at their best and become pessimistic about life.
I want to convey the message to such women that they can enjoy their lives more freely and openly. I want to convey this message to such women, so I become a mysterious beautiful woman on Instagram.
I don't just want to teach bodywork techniques. I want Japanese society to be more energetic and fun with the power of women! And I want them to be active globally! We at AGO want to do our best to support you in this endeavor.


Producing therapists who are active in the world. Producing therapists who are active in the world.

Producing therapists who are active in the world. Producing therapists who are active in the world.

This school is for women like you!

  • Who want to work in a job that makes women shine
  • Who wants to become a successful therapist
  • who want to work with their hands and keep up with the times.
  • who are stuck at $3,000 in monthly sales.
  • who want to work as a therapist abroad.
  • who want to learn unparalleled skeletal adjustment techniques.
  • Esthetician considering independence
  • people who want to develop their people skills.

You can learn AGO's techniques and start your own business as a therapist.

Five reasons to become a top-notch therapist


  • You need to be qualified to perform the treatment.
  • Moms with kids don't have time to work as therapists.
  • More than 3 years to be in the field
  • I have a national qualification, but I can’t earn money.

Women who have given up on becoming a therapist for these reasons can learn the skills from no experience in 6 months at our school, and debut as a therapist and earn an income while enrolled.
Our successful and active instructors will teach you how to attract customers, so you can become a therapist at a popular salon that aims for 4 times the income and 1/3 of the working hours of office workers!


Lectures taught by current assistant professors of universities

Director of Hiroshi Murakami Dental Clinic.
He treats, researches, and teaches in the Department of Periodontology, Division of Oral Therapeutics, Fukuoka Dental College. He teaches dental students at the university.
He is a dentist who protects healthy mouths as a "maintenance-type" dentist who regularly visits the dentist for prevention and recurrence prevention, rather than the conventional "treatment-type" dentist who visits the dentist when there are cavities or symptoms. He received the AGO Method® (Butterfly touch) when the mouthpiece treatment for clenching was considered a coping treatment and not a root cure, and became interested in the theory of the AGO Method® (Butterfly touch) for solving jaw problems.

Hiroshi Murakami Dental Clinic Director

Hiroshi Murakami

Differences from ordinary therapists


What is the difference between a therapist who has learned the AGO Method® (Butterfly touch) and an ordinary therapist who earns over $5,000 per month?



AGO method (Butterfly touch), which dentists and physicians also trust highly.

Various paths after graduation from our school

  • Those who are preparing to open their own business while attending a school and start their own business right after they retire.
  • Those who open a home business on Saturdays and Sundays while working at the company where they work .
  • Those who, as moms, turn into therapists only when their children are in daycare or kindergarten.
  • Therapists who rent salons as part of their freelance work.
  • Many of them are already practicing and want to improve their skills and expertise.
  • the list goes on and on

Single mothers, housewives, bankers, web marketers, beauty salons, manufacturers, consultants, executives, dentists, dental hygienists, nurses, EMTs Most of our graduates start their business while they are still in school learning practical skills, and we hope that within 3 months they will each be making enough money to live on, but many of our graduates are making much more than that.


No experience, zero knowledge, and balancing family duties.
Even mothers who do not have much time to spare
After 6 months of schooling, you will be a popular therapist surrounded by fans,

Become a therapist and earn a steady income in a short amount of time with
treatments that will please and be appreciated by your clients, while also
improving your own body and physical condition!

Build a career as a woman that your children and family
will be proud of, and become a role model for women in the world!