Quick and easy to learn technique TREATMENTS
The AGO method - Butterfly Touch -
You don't need magic hands.
You can learn in a way that's safe and effective.
I want to help people who have issues. This is the reason why I created this technique. There are so many "God hands" or "Magic hands". But a lot of techniques are challengiing to teach to someone else. That is why anybody can learn and perform the AGO method.

Overall health from head to toe
Misalign faces reveal your body's alignment.
Treating the foundation can help improve your overall health.

Corrects face structure
AGO Jawline method
This new technique can align your jaw and teeth, also improve your facial asymmetry problems.
This treatment aids and promotes
- Mental Health
- Biting
- Face alignment without surgery
- Better teeth alignment

Vision for this treatment
This treatment was originally created for jaw issues, and later on I discovered that this can be effective for any other facial problems.
When I was the president of the Seitai clinic in Japan, I had a patient with TMJ that I was having a challenges with. I thought that it would be effective to treat her skull alignment. This is the moment I realized the AGO method was created. I was able to treat her TMJ and other facial problems to great success.

Aligns organ position
AGO Organ alignment method
I created this concept of organ treatment, from the chest to pelvis.
This corrects the organ position and improves the organ function.
This technique combined with the jawline method can treat your gut health and the autonomic nervous system simultaneously.
This treatment aids and promotes
- Gut health
- Chronic constipation
- headaches

Vision for this treatment
Good gut health promotes good health, skin and weight management.
When the percentages of the clients with mental illness started increasing, I began focusign on treating gut health. This treatment can improve beauty and health.

Aligns the whole body
AGO Perfect alignment method
This improves the range of motion by aligning the body. This also corrects muscle balance and function. Just treating the muscles isn't as effective.
This treatment aids and promotes
- Posture
- Lifestyle diseases
- Any sensations due to the misalignment

Vision for this treatment
Origially this unique technique was created for professional athletes and patients with chronic issues.
This technique is more of a medical therapy to treat any physical issues for professional athletes or patients who suffer from any pains, incorrect alignment, and ailing body function.