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Technologies you can learn

No divine technique is required.
What we pursued was ultimate safety and reproducibility.

We want to be of help in solving problems related to beauty and health around the world. This technology was born out of the desire to "help solve the problems of beauty and health around the world.
The world is full of divine techniques. The technique that only the founder of the method has achieved. The AGO method is based on a theory that anyone can achieve the same results if they learn and practice it. However, the deeper you learn the technique, the more you will be able to solve your problems that cannot be solved by other methods.


Our goal is to address the concerns of the entire population, from the head to the toe, from the blood vessels to the mental health.
from head to toe, from blood vessels to mental health.

Distortion of the face is distortion of the body. Therefore, we must align the body from the root.
Based on this concept, we fundamentally resolve facial distortion, internal organ distortion, and skeletal distortion.


Facial correction

AGO Golden Face Line Method

We are the first in the world to adjust the temporomandibular joint for a more beautiful orthodontic result.
By approaching the sphenoid bone above the temporomandibular joint, the autonomic nervous system is regulated and the hormonal secretion of the pituitary gland is adjusted, which strongly supports the improvement of symptoms such as dysautonomia and depression. The result is a plastic surgery-grade change in facial appearance.

Concerns that this method aims to improve

  • I want to theoretically address my psychological concerns
  • I want to improve my face without cosmetic surgery
  • I want to improve my bite
  • I want to have successful orthodontic treatment

Thoughts on Methods

He discovered that by loosening and rearranging the joints, he could address a variety of facial problems.

When I was the director of a chiropractic clinic, a woman came to my clinic suffering from TMJ disorder. I want to heal her!" One day, after much trial and error, I came up with the idea, "Why don't we loosen all of her skull and joints and reassemble them like a puzzle?" I tried it on a client.
I immediately tried it on my clients and was convinced that I could make the expected adjustments. As a result, I was able to improve TMJ disorder and then found that I could address further various facial problems, and later named this technique the "AGO Golden Face Line Method.


internal organ adjustment

AGO Internal Manupulation Method

He considers the area from the chest to the pelvis as internal organs and devised the "Block Theory" that can theoretically explain the state of distorted internal organs.
The goal is not to slim the body, but to return the internal organs to their normal position so that they can function properly.
The internal organs are the factories that manufacture hormones, and together with the Golden Face Line Method mentioned earlier, this method makes sense of the intestinal-brain correlation.

Concerns that this method aims to improve

  • PMS
  • Chronic constipation
  • Improvement of intestinal environment
  • Headache

Thoughts on Methods

When the internal organs are in good condition, people are healthy and beautiful.
A healthy person's skin has elasticity and size reduction.

When the number of clients suffering from dysautonomia began to increase, we began to focus on treatment to regulate the intestinal environment, which can be considered the barometer of vitality. Simply put, when the internal organs are in good condition, people are healthy.
And healthy people have firm skin and are visibly reduced in size. This technique can approach both health and beauty.


skeletal correction

AGO Perfect Alignment Method

It adjusts the skeleton to its original correct position and restores the range of motion of the bone skeleton.
The root of the system is based on the idea of restoring the skeletal distortion to normal, not the muscles. Because the skeleton is returned to its correct position, the twisting, stretching, and contracting of the muscles are removed and normal elasticity is restored. My conclusion is that relaxing the muscles does not solve anything.

Concerns that this method aims to improve

  • Poor posture
  • Residential diseases
  • Various pains and numbness caused by the skeleton

Thoughts on Methods

A unique style of treatment designed for professional athletes and people with serious illnesses to "get back to the right body".

This is a therapeutic technique for professional athletes and severely injured people. AGO's unique treatment style was created from the perspective of "freeing the body from pain and numbness," "restoring the body to its proper state," and "enabling the body to be used correctly."